
Sabin VARN Virtual Conference

Today, is the last day of the 2022 Vaccine Acceptance Research Network virtual conference for the Sabin Vaccine Institute. The goals of this virtual gathering is to promote the collaborative exploration of research results from around the globe and to share and discuss key priorities and opportunities emerging across the ecosystem of vaccination programs, policies, and practice. 

There were 750 registered attendees spanning across 76 different countries. We built a custom platform where users could access 9 live sessions across 3 days accommodating multiple timezones, a resource center, recordings of 34 oral presentations in English, Arabic, French, Portuguese, and Spanish, and 12 poster presentations with associated audio recordings. 

This was Sabin’s first virtual conference for VARN and we would like to thank Jerry Ockfen-Copeland at Fred Hutch for the referral. We are very pleased with the results and our collaboration on this event and look forward to a continued partnership with Sabin! 

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